Thursday, February 4, 2016

Valentine's Day Class List

Valentine’s Day List

 Mrs. Stark







Fabulous February

February 5, 2016

Dear Families,
New Book-It reading sheets were in the homework folder on Monday. I will accept January’s sheet until next Friday. There is only one more month (March) in the program.
            Mathematically speaking, we began Unit 6 this week. This was our first look at clocks using only the hour hand. Unit 5 benchmark papers will be coming home at conferences. We finished up with our first math journal and it came home today along with the Friday folder. Please remember there might be some unfinished pages for a variety of reasons such as an absence or a teacher decision to not finish because we ran out of time. Feel free to finish as much or as little as you want at home. The book is not to be returned to school.
            In reading, we are finishing our look at who is telling the story/point of view and story elements – setting, characters, plot and retelling the story. Depending on the book your child is reading, it could take the form of a chapter book study, a narrative or a story map. Next week you will see some samples of what your child is working on, along with the Unit 4 literacy benchmark papers.
We are just about finished with our informational piece about a mammal of our choosing. We should be mostly finished with it and are eager to show our first attempt at a multi-paragraph report.
As we finished our Economics Unit, we moved into our next science unit on Light and Sound. It promises to be a fun month of experiments. The Economics benchmark papers will be in their Friday folder.           
Our Hundredth Day celebration will be on Monday, February 8th. Our Valentine’s Day party will be on Tuesday, February 9th. If you volunteered to help or attend, you should have been contacted by Mrs. Johnson. If you are not sure, please send me a note. You will find a copy of the class list on the reverse side of the note if you want to address the valentines. We will be making our valentine bags on Monday.

Remember that there is no school on Wednesday, February 10th, Thursday, February 11th and Friday, February 12th, so there won’t be any homework or Friday Folders next week. Your student-led conference time will be sent in a reminder email from Sign-up Genius. If you did not sign up, I assigned you a time.

Thank you for your continued support.

Susan Stark